Tuesday 26 January 2010

Coffee, or tea

I failed to remember since when and from where did I have the perception that coffee is gorgeous but milk tea is not. Perhaps because coffee costs more, (you can find it in our canteen that coffee costs $9 and milk tea only $7.)

As a coffee lover, I should under no circumstances appreciate milk tea. This concept remains until I tried my first cup of tea. That was the one I bought from canteen last year during a lecture break. That day, the coffee machine went out of order, and it was so warm and sweet during winter time that I could have a cup of hot drink. Though I accepted it, but still, I couldn’t figure out the reason why people love it so much. So since then I’ve had my second cup and so on, (only during lecture break, or else I would still go for coffee,)

And today, I had another cup in the interpretation lecture break. Suddenly I understood the reason behind. Unlike other drinks, it was the bitter sweet that attracts; and its taste is far milder than coffee so people can easily accept and appreciate.

Should I behave sweeter and milder like tea that more people would accept, or should I remain the coffee style that only attract “coffee lovers”? Or how about act like latte, is latte still coffee?

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