I am not talking about the rules in linguistics,
nor the art in literature discipline.
Language is meant to deal with people.
When you talk, I guess I could understand the message behind.
And I think I could be able to expect your expectation.
And I know you know my reaction – two choices, either way.
But sometimes I just don’t want to play, especially when I can see it through.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
When two language players play
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Coffee, or tea
I failed to remember since when and from where did I have the perception that coffee is gorgeous but milk tea is not. Perhaps because coffee costs more, (you can find it in our canteen that coffee costs $9 and milk tea only $7.)
As a coffee lover, I should under no circumstances appreciate milk tea. This concept remains until I tried my first cup of tea. That was the one I bought from canteen last year during a lecture break. That day, the coffee machine went out of order, and it was so warm and sweet during winter time that I could have a cup of hot drink. Though I accepted it, but still, I couldn’t figure out the reason why people love it so much. So since then I’ve had my second cup and so on, (only during lecture break, or else I would still go for coffee,)
And today, I had another cup in the interpretation lecture break. Suddenly I understood the reason behind. Unlike other drinks, it was the bitter sweet that attracts; and its taste is far milder than coffee so people can easily accept and appreciate.
Should I behave sweeter and milder like tea that more people would accept, or should I remain the coffee style that only attract “coffee lovers”? Or how about act like latte, is latte still coffee?
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
以下對話未經 grammar 修改~ 以保留原意
1) 幫個form 5 女仔補習~
我: i've just finished my ielts today~ let me ask you the questions i've been asked today~ first~ how long do you spend on TV?
cherry: 30 mins/day
我: what kind of TV programmes do you usually watch?
cherry: News
我: 真架?
cherry: 唔係呀~ 但考試唔係應該咁答ga 咩? 要乖ga ma!!
我: ... ...
2) 大概幾個月前~ P6 ge 學生英文書教緊 career (我而家已經升呢冇教小學 -.-)
我: what do you want to be when you grow up?
雯雯: i want to do waiter
我: should be "be a waitress"... but why?
雯雯: because i want meet different people!!
我: "can meet"... u really do or you simply copy the lines from your book?
雯雯: book
我: so tell me your OWN dream pls
雯雯: um... mum said that if i go to sec. school interview.. i need say "i want to be a teacher"... but i surely want do atheletes... but no money if i do this.
我: ... ...
then i asked myself what do i expect from myself when i have to step in the society
i better hunt a stable job with stable income...
teacher for example...
with my relative education in languages...
yea, im planning to do an education diploma...
with cgpa 3.5/4.0, i can surely get a firm offer right?
and as long as i have money in my pocket i better say nothing abt the government coz it would change nothing by doing so
i should change things i cant accept and accept those i cant change...
if i cant change... (cant understand) the SAR government
try my best to marry one with UK/US passport
these are all i can do after my graduation
but what was my OWN dream?
that was,
be a journalist and dreaming that i CAN change the society
would it be a dream forever...
i mean... even if i can accept the low paid and long working hours
and even if i have a rich husband to support me being a journlist
am i able to change a thing?
we did have dreams
the high-profile dreams...
you, too, my dear post 50s 60s 70s ...
have you forgotten yours?
Friday, 8 January 2010
起唔到身 -.-""""""
原來大學收生最低要求係 tofel 550/600 @@""
唔洗考oral~ 考試費又平過ielts -v-
等我得閒無聊又去試下先 -_-””
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
呢一年半以來 背負住讀書唔成ge罪名 銳氣被挫光
走堂 唱k 買衫
只要我食得好 住得好 嫁得好
所有政治 社會 民生問題一概與我無關
唔同媒體渲染ge社會議題 依然可以觸動我個心
或者我自己讀語文 但卻resist唔到傳媒語文ge威力
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Happy New Year
一月一號 我更想去遊行
不過 親近下大自然都好ge =.=
add/drop 之後如無意外除左星期四之外全部都係下午先開始上堂
日日都上到六點半~ 之後夜晚又要上法文
日日訓到11點幾其實好折墮 ga -__-