Saturday, 23 May 2009

June Fourth Incident

I love the cantonese version as it's my writing style, but I would want my foreign friends to know how I feel for this issue. Please forgive my poor language, especially the puntuations and spellings -.-

我唔係民主激進份子,響好多立場上我都認同共產黨將中國lead得唔錯。但係當我面對歷史舊聞;當我見到一張又一張ge影像 show 住d學生流曬血;當我睇到新聞工作者被秋後算帳,輕則革職,重則入獄;當我見到中共到二十年後而家呢一刻對呢次歷史事件ge迴避態度--我喊左,Gary話:"咁 5.12你咪喊到起唔到身?"

五一二係天災,任何一個有血有肉ge人都會心痛,只係事件無可避免。但六四係謀殺,然後,仲要以 "各方面都發展得好好" 呢個堂而皇之 ge 藉口去迴避事實。我會理解特首ge位置,高處不勝寒。我亦都相信佢果句 "我ge意見代表香港人ge意見" 只係佢自大之下ge無心之失。不過就個人而言,我支持平反六四,或者至少可以公開討論--因為我依然相信觀點可以唔同,事實不容扭曲。 

I'm not an extreme democrat and I agree that the Chinese Government has been leading the country to a better position in many aspects. But when I read the history; when I saw the photos showing the students bleeding; when I knew that chinese journalists who reported the incident sombrely was fired and put into the jail; when I heard from the news that the government refused to talk about that right now - 20 years from the incident; I cried, and my friend said that if I were to cry for the bleeding incident, I should also cry for the 5-12 Si Chuan Earthquake.

The Earthquake was from God, if it exists. We do feel sad and we has already started facing the tragedy and are doing the follow-ups. But the June Forth Incident was murder, and what's worse, our Cheif Executive used such a ridiculous excuse that "the country has been doing great for different aspects" to refuse discussing the issue. I understand his position and I believe he was just too careless to say that his opinion was HK people's opinion. But to me, I support redressing the miscarriage of justice for this event, or at least discussing the matter openly, regardless - simply because I still believe in truth.



I love Chinese culture and I like travelling in China, but if I am being restricted to visit china someday (OK, I mean if, I am too lucky to be a journalist and at the same time too careless to make the Central Government mad at me), please discribe to me every beautiful scenery you can see in China.

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